
Showing posts from January, 2012


Theme: Tattoo I went into a tattoo parlour that's well known for heptitus. I've probably caught it myself just by breathing in the fumes from that place, bleurgh. I only went in there for advice as it's so conveniently placed in town. Anywho, They said the tattoo I wanted would be either impossible or I'd have to have it bigger, way bigger. Annoying. So I decided to go to a proper tattoo artist, where I intend to get it done, where the air fume's there are clean, Devil's Own. They said that the tattoo was possible, however I would have to have it a bit bigger due to all the detail. So I've decided to cancel out the idea of the picture, which I am well and truly heart broken about. I think I'm just going to get "Beautiful Blueberries" tattooed on me in the author's writing, which is unsurprisingly, Christopher Mccandless. The picture I was going to have is in the blog below. I was just going to have the person, not all the random rocks.




Theme: Royal Snail After slaving away in town, I come home thinking, with a bit of luck my Kindle cover will be here. If it's not here, the next time I see the postman I'm going to eat him. I will send whatever is remaining to the royal mail, face it, it will be a year before they get it anyway. Granted, it's only a day late but geeze, come on. I don't even know why I'm so excited to get my bloody cover to be honest.


Theme: Films I've come to realise how much of a sad act I really I am. I can't stand new movie's latetly. They all seem to be so similar. Yet when I made a list of my favourite film's there all so acient. The newest film is seven year's old. The Film's are: Men Of Honour, Shawshank Redemption, Jar Head & Stand By Me. Not forgetting Into The Wild, which is six year's old. I seem to like any film that has an inspirational movie, and not a lot of movie's these day's seem to offer that. It's like with children's TV show's. I'd much rather see pingu piss himself then watching that lazy town twat bounce around...


Theme: Physical Contact It turns out I'm not one for physical contact. Mainly, if I don't know you. In placement I had a man stroking my arm. Granted he doesn't know what he's doing. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Sheldon or anything. It just takes me a while to get used to a person's presence before they can touch me. I guess it’s a good thing as well really as in the end I think it all boils down to trust. I don't trust people easily. It hurts how many time's promises have been broken and I've lost faith in most of humanity because of how much 'trust' gets abused. Trust come’s tough these days.


Theme: Books. I love my books. I'm not even sure if I would still be here if it wasn't for my books. It gives me a chance to step out of my life and into someone else's. See their world through their eyes. It helps me escape. I've been doing a lot of escaping lately. Mainly with Christopher Mccandless. Ha, an escapist in true form. I could just do with getting away, and my books offer me just that. When I read it’s like my entire world just shuts down to the point I'm not even existing anymore. I've become someone else and I'm living out someone else's life. The beauty about my book collection is that I can be whoever I want to be, and be it whenever I want. I can never throw away my books or lend them to someone, as it's like giving away a piece of me. Plus, I might want to return back to that adventure. Now that I’ve finished ‘Into The Wild’ I intend to re-read it until the new book come’s.




Theme: Christopher Mccandless I couldn't wait. I had to order it. It's cost me £21 in total. I now have the rather itching waiting until it get's here. It should arrive on the 15th March. To long to wait. His last word's were "Beautiful Blueberries" so I'm hoping that there's a photo of that in it, so then I can get his exact writing tattooed on me. I sound so obsessive. Although, it's nice to have someone to look up to again. I wish he was still here to tell his tale. Then I wouldn't be buying this book, I'd be buying his other book about how he survived and such. I hope I get it before my birthday (4th March). I have a feeling I'm going to really raw my eye's out when I read it. I feel like I'm going to be literally counting my day's down till this bloody book come's. Anyway, I think that's enough of the blogging today. I'm all blogged out and I need a riddiculas amount of rest for what tomorrow's work pl...


Theme: The Positive. I've re-written my third blog entry at least 30 time's now. It's not that I'm not sure what to say, it's just that I have so much of it to say, and all at once. It's even weirder not knowing who I am writing this all to. Initially, I'm writing this all for myself. If it comes to my head, it's being written down. I intend to keep this blog as happy as possible though. Why note down the bad when you can write down the positive and have more physical evidence of the positive? No point dwelling on the past, because the past is unchangeable. The time spent dwelling is the time that could be spent about thinking about something awesome. Like shrubs. " Anyone that tells you you can't do something is unimaginative and probably a coward " -Matthew Gray Gubler




Theme: Bucket List. After looking through my bucket list that I made in 2010, I kind of learnt that some things are just un-reachable or they just don't matter to me anymore. So, I've decided to update it: Save A Life, Learn To Love Myself, Study Forensic Anthropology At John Moore’s Uni, Sleep under the stars, Find a job I love, Be A Film Extra, Write A Book, Become A Samaritan, Meet American Friends, Go Backpacking Somewhere, Go Ghost Hunting, Visit Alcatraz Prison, Visit A Concentration Camp, Visit The Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Experience Alaska's 30 Days Of Night, Visit Mccandless Bus. “ We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will ” - Chuck Palahniuk.


Theme: Christopher Mccandless. Well, seeing as everyone else is on here, I thought I may as well jump on the band wagon. As I have been on every other website known to Google, except for this one. So what is there to stop me? However, I'm not going to use my first blog to talk about me. That's just boring. Instead, I'm going to talk about a huge inspiration in my life. Christopher Mccandless. He's an inspiration in my life as he wanted something, so he went out and got it. He left everything behind. He left all his identification behind and donated all of his money ($24000) to Oxfam. Then he walked into the wild. To live off it. His main aim was to head for Alaska, to just live. Although, some people would view him as reckless and stupid. I view him as a courageous man that should never be forgotten. “ Two years he walks the earth. No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road… ”