
Theme: Books.

I love my books. I'm not even sure if I would still be here if it wasn't for my books. It gives me a chance to step out of my life and into someone else's. See their world through their eyes. It helps me escape. I've been doing a lot of escaping lately. Mainly with Christopher Mccandless. Ha, an escapist in true form. I could just do with getting away, and my books offer me just that. When I read it’s like my entire world just shuts down to the point I'm not even existing anymore. I've become someone else and I'm living out someone else's life. The beauty about my book collection is that I can be whoever I want to be, and be it whenever I want. I can never throw away my books or lend them to someone, as it's like giving away a piece of me. Plus, I might want to return back to that adventure. Now that I’ve finished ‘Into The Wild’ I intend to re-read it until the new book come’s.


josie13 said…
I am the same way when I read a book. I love getting lost in a different life/lifestyle/world.

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