Fifty Eight

Theme: Sob fest!

Okay, so I rarely, rarely, rarely ever go to Aldi. However, when my mum took the car to ge cleaned, we pop into Aldi to time kill. I was looking through all the rather crap DVD'S and it was all the same. But I thought, I'd keep looking as you never know. The last DVD and only one there was Romeo & Juliet with Moulin Rouge. Oh happy days! It cost me £4.99, well cost my mum £4.99. Thanks mum! So right now I'm watching Romeo & Juliet. I'm overly chuffed with myself right now. Lucky sod, getting the last one. So right now, I have half my screen taken up by Romeo and Juliet, the other half taken up by microsoft word. I've never worked so fast in my life. It's a good coursework encourager! How much do you want to bet that there will be tears at the end of this? I usually hate love film's, there are very few that I can actually stand. So it's awesome to find my two favourite film's in one like box set. Nom Nom.

"Romeo: Did my heart love 'til now? Forswear its sight. For I never saw true beauty 'til this night."


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