Forty Seven
What I've Had/Got:
- Two Tattoos
- Frowny piercing
- Tongue web piercing
- Wrist piercing
- Scaffold piercing
- Two lobe piercing's (one stretched)
Do I regret any of them? I can give the answer of yes and no. I don't regret my wrist piercing or tattoo's at all. I loved my wrist piercing and I was super pissy to see it go. My tattoo's, no regret without a doubt. If I knew I was going to swallow my tongue web piercing and frowny piercing, I would of never of had them done. However, I loved them too! Its just that I swallowed £60 worth of piercings... However, there are days when I don't necessarily regret my ear stretching, there are just days when I wish it wasn't there. I think this may be down to the smell and the paranoia that the back will pop off in my sleep. I don't regret not being able to wear earrings ever again. I wish I taken the stretching process slower, as there is a slight tare in my ear that stops it from being the perfect circle. The only one I'd rather be without is my scaffold. This is because even like a year later it would still swell up. The hair just get's so tangled around it. It's not so bad now. I just refuse to take it out as that's exactly what my parent's said I'd do. So I won't, out of spite. Haha, jokes on them.