Sixty Seven

Theme: Relationships

I truly think I am meant to be single. However, that's okay. I'm more than perfectly fine with that. Don't get me wrong, I believe in love, and I still have hope for me that there is something out there. However, if it turns out that there isn't, that's okay. I'll buy shit loads of hedgehogs, a rocking chair and a shotgun, so I can sit on my front porch as the creeper that I may I should be. I don't believe I have truly been in love with somebody before. I have and still do love/loved some people, but have never been in love. I think that you will know what love is like when it hits you, because I think it will be a huge mixture of emotions I haven't felt before. You will know it as soon as it hits you. It's cool beans if I'm to be forever alone. I can't cope in relationships. I need space and a lot of it. However, "love" might change that. I might go mental when I find that special human. But until then, I like to do my own things and have more freedom with my time. I think it's because I want to get to a specific place in my life before I start inviting people in to be considered for a relationship. I want my career and I want to be walking the streets of America. I also want to do some travelling. I have big dreams and I've never let anyone get in the way of that. Once my career is sorted and I have my own little plot of land, I'll consider opening my mind to relationships. Heck, hopefully I'd meet someone who is into travelling and we can go backpacking together. An travellers of the backpacking sort seems to be my type lately!

"The only warmth I feel at night is emitting from my laptop."
- Forever Alone.


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