Theme: Emile Hirsch Day!

I had an unintentional Emile Hirsch day! I came home from town to see
him a DVD on my doorstep. 'The Darkest Hour' the plot of the film made the acting seem fairly bad. Kind of like a bunch of kid's have just uploaded something to YouTube. However, it was the first Emile Hirsch movie my mum has sat through, she was impressed. However, he's mine. So she can keep her hands off. When he went to kiss someone in the film, I could actually feel the deadly sin of jealousy well up inside me. I am such a crazy stalker that is craving for a restraining order. I bet when people read these blogs they think there reading a blog of an obsessive thirteen year old....wrong! Anyway, after that I watched Speed Racer. Owft, awesome film. If anyone want's to buy me
these, I will owe them my soul. It's a doll figure of Emile, I mean come on!