Two Hundred & Thirty Eight
Theme: Checking I'm Not A Peado.
Okay, so I decided in a change of a laptop screensaver. However, the picture I wanted (above) is a picture of Emile Hirsch when he was super young. However, I didn't want to have it on my screensaver in case he was below the legal age. It would make me feel a little bit peado-like ooggling over what could potenially be someome under age. So yeah, I did the awkward thing and worked out how old he was when he was filming 'The emperor's club' as that is where the picture is taken from.
Okay, so I decided in a change of a laptop screensaver. However, the picture I wanted (above) is a picture of Emile Hirsch when he was super young. However, I didn't want to have it on my screensaver in case he was below the legal age. It would make me feel a little bit peado-like ooggling over what could potenially be someome under age. So yeah, I did the awkward thing and worked out how old he was when he was filming 'The emperor's club' as that is where the picture is taken from.