Two Hundred & Twenty Five
Theme: Piercing, Fixed!
So yes, I went back again today. They fixed it. Thank goodness. Although the bar I put in when I was panicking was highly comfortable, it wasn't practical. Click here to see the size difference (don't worry kid's! This image is child friendly). The piercer said that it's still healing well and looking good. Doesn't look irritated or anything. I've brought a spare PTFE bar just in case it happens again and I have also brought another bottle of easypiercing, just in case I also happen to run out of that too.
So yes, I went back again today. They fixed it. Thank goodness. Although the bar I put in when I was panicking was highly comfortable, it wasn't practical. Click here to see the size difference (don't worry kid's! This image is child friendly). The piercer said that it's still healing well and looking good. Doesn't look irritated or anything. I've brought a spare PTFE bar just in case it happens again and I have also brought another bottle of easypiercing, just in case I also happen to run out of that too.