Theme: What I Look For In A Relationship

Since my conversation with my Shaun, I have been thinking about what it is I actually look for in a relationship and to be honest, the picture on the left (Emile Hirsch) is what I look for in a relationship. Just gimmie that and I'm settled. Anom. But on a serious note. I'd want to find someone that makes me laugh. Nothing grates me more than a boring person. I would want someone with an edge but at the same time, I want something who is more than happy to just cuddle on the sofa with a DVD and fat people's food. I need affection. NEED IT. Otherwise, I would just feel highly neglected and become resentful. Ha. I'm alright with public display of affection. Only to a small degree. A
small kiss and hand holding is fine with me. I can't deal with face suckers, so the thought of the general public watching my face get mauled apart would freak me out a little. I'd like them to be taller then me. Even if it's only by a little bit. However, I find it really cute when I have to stand on my tip toes to kiss someone. I need maturity. I can't stand it when people just don't want to talk about sex in a serious way. I think it's important to talk about sex in relationships. So you know what the other person is after y'know? So I find it highly annoying if someone replies "ewww" when your trying to find out what the other person is into.
Also, no one under seventeen and no one over thirty. Gotta have your cut off points.