Two Hundred & Twenty Seven
Theme: Sex Before Marriage
I went out with a friend last night and she thought I didn't believe in sex before marriage. I laughed in her face. I couldn't wait that long. I just couldn't. I've gone two weeks without self-love and well, I'm bored! It's been hell in all honesty. Anyway, not only that, I want to go on a test drive so to speak before I'm married to someone. I wouldn't want to marry someone who is shit in bed. I'd shrivel up and die. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't climb into bed with every person I meet. I would HAVE to be in a relationship with them. Even then, I would still wait a while before I climb into bed with them. My idea relationship timeline would be something like this:
Two/Three Weeks - Have more physical contact, kissing ect.
Three Months - Sexytime.
Four/Five Months (Maybe Longer) - "I love you" get's said.
Three Years - Move In.
Five/Six Years - Engaged
Seven Years - Married