Two Hundred & Eighty One
Theme: Oooh, Friend!
Okay, so me and Shaun we're texting each other. We were just trying to find out where each other was. So most people would text "hey, where about are you?" but no. This is how our conversation went...
Steve: Morning fellow survivor. How is the town in this post apocalyptic state? Any walkers still shuffelin' or are we the only race still zombie-ing in front of the shops?
Me: There are a few shuffeling. I'm sticking close to my guns and I'm approaching selected destination faster then planned. No other survivors so far. How about you? Over.
Steve: There were a few stragglers on the bus stop, took care of them but rendered myself low on ammo. Bus departed on time and so far on schedule. Route to destination supposedly clear but lose contact with alpha team just as bus departed. Be there soon. Shaun, over.
Me: Got into college successfully. There everywhere. Had to build a fort. It wont hold for long, but its a temporary hide out. They're everywhere. Enter with caution Shaun. Over.
Steve: Approaching from rear soon. Hold the fort as long as you can. Back up on the way. Moans and groans can be heard from as far as the fly over, gun cocked and reloaded. Over.
Me: There getting smarter too. One just approached me and pointed at my chest and mumbled "badge" and walked off. I've found food and ammo supplies. Over.