Two Hundred & Eighty Two

Theme: Stranger Danger

As you all know, I have been looking for a place to live. Just to get a rough idea of prices and how to go about it. One of my friend's suggested this site: Spare Room. Immediately, I said no, no strangers. But now, I'm kind of open to the idea. However, ironically, if I live with a female, I just know there will be a whole new war. I don't usually get on with females. It just doesn't happen. So ideally, I am looking for a male stranger to live with. How creepy does that sound? My mum however, is not so open to this idea. I'm the sort of person that will live with a serial killer for like years, they put there victims remains in the fridge and I don't even notice. Anyway, when I get a job, I reckon it will be fun searching for a serial killer person to live with.


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