Three Hundred & Ninety

Theme: Teachers.

When I was at college, a teacher said to me that I was incapable of thinking for myself. Before I attended that college, I went to a school where a teacher said to me "an F grade is good for someone like you". I guess I'm just having a downer moment as it's eating me up. I'm tempted to email that teacher and be like, fuck you, but in smart ass language haha. Decided I wouldn't botther. What botthers me is that, if I sent her an email, she probably wouldn't even remember and what she said has lowerd my self esteem. I was also just thinking about this girl who used me to piss off her ex. When she told me, I had ago at her and then she called me rude. But it's still something that lowered my self-esteem. It made me think "Did she even find me attractive, did she even like me in anyway what so ever?" There are many thing's that have lowered my esteem but these are just the thing's bugging me right now.

"People are so stupid. I can't bear to live round them anymore."
- Imaginary Hero's


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