Four Hundred & Twenty Seven
Theme: Herschel made Rick not once, twice, but three time's a lady.
Had a brilliant day with Steve, as usual. We went shopping for shoes and some more halloween thing's. Steve got some work shoes and a rather cute pair of blue like high heels. If my feet would fit into them, I would have also grabbed myself a pair. I also bought my first ever pair of eye contacts for our zombie day (17th November). The contacts will completely take away the eye colour and will only have my pupil left. I'm so excited to try them on. They will look brilliant with the zombie wedding dress. After shopping we both went to see the film 'Hotel Transylvania'. It was so much better than I thought it would be, and just generally different to what I was expecting. Had lots of funny and cute moment's in it. A sentence that did come up often in the film was, "You only get once zing." Nawh ♥. As Steve picked this one, it really does prove that I cannot pick movies for shit. The only thing that did put a little downer on the day was this dumbass skanky chavy bitch and her spawn thinking it was perfectly acceptable to barge past me then yell abuse at me in the middle of the highcross. That just sums up this country to be fair. It just show's how little education that women had. She looked like she was in her forties. What forty year old yells abuse at a nineteen year old? You just don't do it.
