Four Hundred & Fifty Eight
Theme: The Crushing Of The Innocent
I'm getting so desperate for a job I have even applied as a slaughter operative, where I will kill and skin animals. That pretty much goes against everything that I think about. But I'm desperate, so it's got to be done. It's another job opportunity I can't let flow by me. Anyway, I decided to add another gumtree advertisement up, I had a little bit of luck last time but the job's just weren't suitable, yet, employer's did find me. However, this time, I wasn't too lucky. I got seven calls, all blocked. They wanted, what they called a 'massage'. Although, I did get this one call from this guy wanting someone to talk to about his idea's, thoughts and feelings, but he didn't want a counsellor. I suggested he just make friend's online and he was like no, I don't want friend's. That conversation ended in me calling him a paedophile and him telling me it's all my fault. I also got four modelling opportunities. This other phone call I got was "I want a cleaner, someone to just tidy my house, do my ironing *and he oh so subtly slipped this in* and a massage." I nearly wet myself over the phone. I got this text from this women asking me if I want to entertain men over the phone but get paid for it. She was polite to me, so I was polite back and just said no thank you. My innocence is shattered.