Four Hundred & Fifty Seven
Theme: Zombie Convention!
I won't post photographs from today, as I am trying to keep this blog as anonymous as possible. I don't even think this has my name written anywhere. Anyway, I had an awesome day, I can't answer for Steve, but I loved it. However, I did expect there would be more there and for that, I think the ticket's where a little expensive. There were some really good costume's there to be fair for example, look at the guy on the left. How long must that have taken him? People came up to me and took my photo, I found it weird as I've never had anyone want to take a photo of me before.We did meet some really nice people, but there were also some people there that you just wan't to get away from because they are the stalker kind. But everyone was nice and friendly and down for a good chatting. There was a few little shops there and Steve brought a 'walking dead' game and a t-shirt from there, and me being the tight arse only brought a wristband. However, I was contemplating weather or not to get this memento mori. They where so creepy and real looking, but I figured my mum would go insane so I didn't bother. There where a few writers there, and I actually felt kind of bad for them as no one would go up and talk to them so they all just sort of sat there...forever alone. Although, when Steve and I went to talk to them it was the most awkwardest thing ever, you felt like you had to buy a book it was just so awkward. Anyway, we spent a few hours in there, and we never got to meet Paddy from Emmerdale because he was coming later and there wasn't enough things for us to do to keep us going for that long, so we got a taxi home, the taxi ride was fun, I got a few funny looks from bus drivers and the general public in the car's next to ours.
After we got to my place we decided to go and see Twilight as mentioned in the blog below. By the time that finished we just went home and had a Chinese. After the parent's went bed, the boost started to kick in and that's when we ended up on facebook. Big, yet hilarious mistake. Some of the thing's I said to a certain someone. I think he was kind of blissfully unaware. Overall, it was a pretty good night. I think I'd do it again next year but maybe go a little bit later. I've put my costume away safely as I loved wearing and will wear it next year for Halloween and for this!