Four Hundred & Forty Four

Theme: Comfort food, you're doing it all wrong!

I was just curious about what people would class as comfort food, after doing some research I came across this website and it listed these items as comfort food:
Girl, you got it all wrong! There are only two items on there that I can agree with and that's the cookies and ice cream. The reason someone would be eating comfort food is because they want comforting. Cooking for an hour over a hot stove is not comforting. Sitting in your pj's and drinking a pint of milkshake is comforting. It's all well and good if you have someone cooking it for you, but if your doing it yourself, it's not comfort food. I class comfort food as thing's that are in packets, thing's that you can instantly eat.

When I'm feeling bad I want full fat chocolate spread on full fat chocolate smeared on full fat butter which just so happens to be smeared on full fat bread (if it exists) and I want it made by someone else or shop brought. I know some people will disagree with this, but sandwich's are actually my favourite food, so that is a good comfort food for me. But I think the list above is all wrong. Here's my personal list of comfort food, and also how I believe the list above should be written:

Come on, let's be honest who would just make mashed potato's for comfort? You wouldn't. You would crack out the junk food with ton's of sugar as a pick me up! You want something fast and easy.


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