Four Hundred & Forty One
Theme: John Green
John Green is an immense writer. He wrote "The fault in our stars" which I read not long ago. It's very rare for a book to have an emotional impact on me, but this one did. With each page I kind of felt my heart string's being yanked out of me. So I had to buy every book John Green had ever written. If a book is really good, I have to get it in hardback, as hardback is so much better then paperback. Brilliantly enough I found the signed book set on Amazon for like £30. It came today. It's being put away for Christmas I was so tempted to run upstairs with it and hide away and pretend it never came and that I've just been conned. But the signature is on each book and it's been like embedded into each book. There so beautiful. I could have cried. I can't wait to sit and read the whole set. Even the box it came in is so beautiful.
“I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane.”
-Looking For Alaska, John Green.