Five Hundred
Theme: 500 entries!
Well fuck a duck, I've made it this far. I thought I'd celebrate like I do with every 100 posts, by posting an Emile Hirsch photo:

I'm dead chuffed I have made it this far. There's been some ups, some downs, but I'm still here! 500 posts was like my ultimate aim of posts so I couldn't be more happy, as sad as that sounds. Sure, I've had to back date here and there and sometimes I haven't forgotten what I've done on various days so I couldn't add complete detail. But the blog is still going. It's like I have something to laugh at in the future, my kids, if I have them *god help me* will get to learn what I was like. I just want to thank the two readers I am aware of, Mark and Steve. It would all feel kind of pointless without them.
I'm dead chuffed I have made it this far. There's been some ups, some downs, but I'm still here! 500 posts was like my ultimate aim of posts so I couldn't be more happy, as sad as that sounds. Sure, I've had to back date here and there and sometimes I haven't forgotten what I've done on various days so I couldn't add complete detail. But the blog is still going. It's like I have something to laugh at in the future, my kids, if I have them *god help me* will get to learn what I was like. I just want to thank the two readers I am aware of, Mark and Steve. It would all feel kind of pointless without them.
So many feels, I know.