Four Hundred & Ninety Five

Theme: Apocalypse, Y u no happen?

Apocalypse hasn't happened. Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this. I wish it did happen. Or I just wish my dad would just fuck off. He asked me to clean the kitchen, I said okay, in a minute  Meaning, I'll wait for you to fuck off out the kitchen because we can't be in the same room as each other. Ten second's later (and I mean, ten second's later) I heard him mutter to himself "You're such a lazy bastard, you've done fuck all, all day"). Wrong, I've done bear load's today. You are just not around to see it, so you can't keep saying this bullshit. I was just waiting for your cunty ass to get out the kitchen so we wouldn't get in an argument. Turn's out we can't even be in the same house either. Other than that, I am kind of disappointed it didn't happen. Not majorly like. I knew it wouldn't happen. I'd just like to see how the world will end. Will it end with a mass of zombies? Meteors? Or maybe the world will just one day crumble. 


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