Four Hundred & Eighty Four

Theme: Ex's.

Coming back from the Job Centre today and I bumped into 'it'. The ex I was talking about in this entry. I would have preferred not to see it to be fair. We didn't stop and talk, I wouldn't have wanted to either, I would have walked straight past her as if I didn't know who she was and like she never even existed, just like I do with all of my ex's. She was talking on the phone and she was wearing some of the most ridiculas thing's. She was wearing this big leopard print coat, the sort that hooker's wear. We both locked eyes and she knew it was me. I just know she knew. She also know's I know it was her. The next few word's that came out of her mouth was just pure jibba jabba, almost as if she was literally stunned to see me. I just carried on walking. Even if I was walking on mother fucking sunshine I wouldn't want to talk to that thing. I'm not friend's with any of my ex's. Apart from this one who will be un-named for privacy purpose's, but they know who they are, no doubt they will be even reading this, so shout out to you!


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