Six Hundred & Sixteen
Theme: Fuck my life.
Anyway, whilst I was hunting I noticed that most places are £500-£600 per month for a three bedroom place, which really isn't bad. Then I came across this place, and fuck me, it's perfect. It's only eighteen minute's (walking wise) away from Glenfield hospital and only 59 minutes away (walking wise) from the gym. It's £650 per month, if Steve did move in, that would make it only £325 per month. By the time I ever get a job that pays well, this place will be long fucking gone. I can't even. I vow to never look again until the time is here. I'm not going to torture myself.
So why the three bedrooms? This is where it come's back to the wicca/space thing. If I had a spare room, I could finally, after like what, five years? Set up an altar. I'd even compensate with the other person who moves in with me. They will get first dibs on a room and I will be willing to pay more in rent. So yeah, Shaun if your reading this, take note. Ha. If it really came down to it, and I moved into a two bedroom place, then so be it. I'll make the fucker work. I'll sleep on the sofa, and have my bedroom as an altar room, haha.