Theme: Jodie Marsh

I saw Jodie Marsh in the TV magazine. She actually does look very pretty. Granted when she isn't on a photo shoot her nose doesn't look the best, but I wouldn't dismiss her for that. When you compare her to a model like Katie Price, I can easily choose which one is a better person. Sure, Katie Price write's good books, but she doesn't actually do anything to help other people. She just get's married. A lot, and has camera's follow her about so she can make a show about herself. Which is insanely boring. Where as Jodie Marsh is a lot more prettier, she has pretty feature's where as Katie Price doesn't, she's actually fairly plain. Jodie Marsh does an awful lot to help people. When she was younger she was badly bullied and because of this she tries to change the way school's run, to crack down on bullying. She's doing a new show on April 5th which I will be watching! I watched her last show that was about bullying and it was a lot better then I thought it would be!