Six Hundred & Twelve
Theme: Tattoo Ashes
I saw a programme age's ago a couple that had there babies ashes mixed in with there ink, and then tattoo'd on them. I don't give a flying fuck what people think. I think it's a good idea. I completely disagree with funeral's. So I think a good way to remember them, to have them literally with you. When my little hedgehog die's, he's only two, so he has plenty of years ahead of him yet, but, when he does go, I don't want to bury him. What I really want to do is get an ink pad and put his feet on it, and then on some paper. Like what they do with babies. Just to keep as a memory. His feet will be so tiny and I know for sure the bugger won't stay still. Worth a shot though. I'd love to get that tattoo'd on me, but I know it will be far too small to do it, but if not I'd really like to get this, mixed with his ashes.