I don't remember what I did today in all fairness. It's weird not being able to recall what you did on a certain day seeing as it wasn't so long ago. But that's just how it is. Sorry.
Theme: I beg of thee! I went into Ann Summer's today for a browse and to pick up some Ben Wa Balls. I also went into Ann Summer's to pick up this . It's only £5 and I am beyond desperate to have it. Unfortunetly, Ann Summer's didn't have it and they aren't sure when they are next getting it in. I can't order it online as my mum check's my bank statement every now and again. If some kind soul out there will order it for me, I will more than happily pay for it! Please please please please. I want this so damn bad. Please! I even have the money in my damn wallet. Desperation doesn't even cut it. Omfg, Please.
Theme: Ex I was looking through photo's of my ex today on her tumblr, I know this all sounds creepy. I was just going through my blocked list and I saw her there. So I thought what's the harm in checking it out? There was lot's of harm. I can't un-see some of the shit she's posted. The pictures, I've seen the poor girl naked more time's than I've seen her clothed. That's generally not a good sign. It's a sorrowful sight really. I'm not saying she's unattractive, I'm just saying she's a slut, with very little self-respect. Or maybe that's me just being old-fashioned? I know this whole blog sound's like I miss her and I'm just bitter about the break up, but I'm really not. She goes through girlfriend's like I go through Emile Hirsch pictures. I couldn't even try to name all the relationship's she's been in, and I know for a fact, she couldn't either. She's the sort of person you look at a...
Theme: Well, merry fucking Easter to me! I finally, finally found it! Emile Hirsch was a main character in the film 'twice born'. It was filmed and shown around last year. Well could I fucking find it anywhere? No. No I bloody well couldn't. I literally trolled the internet everyday just to find it. Well after doing my daily troll today, there we're ton's of links for the film and I finally got to watch it! It was actually really good, it was different and better to what I was expecting. Bravo Emile Hirsch, you sexy beast, bravo.