Theme: You know you've got stalkers when...

You got to the gym and even your instructors ask where your stalkers are. Especially when they say "you don't have attract some weird one's". Why me? It made me smile anyway. Especially when two instructors said it separately on the same day. The first stalker was that peadobear George who kept touching me inappropriately and trying to hold my hand when I swim. My new stalker, which at the moment, I actually don't mind. He will be named "Robert" for privacy purposes (until he does something cunty, then he will be named and shamed). Robert basically goes to the gym and only does weights. Which is a major plus for me because I go the the gym and only do cardio, so having him around, It sort of forces my arse in gear so I end up doing weight's to. He has ADHD which mean's there is never a silent moment. He's fairly nice, doesn't touch me, but call's me princess and love's to text me.