Six Hundred & Ninety Seven

Theme: Purge

I went to go see the film 'Purge' with Steve today. It was actually pretty good. 3.5/5 star worthy. It was completely different to what I thought it would be. For those who have no idea what it is about, I'll sum it up. Basically, for twelve hours crime become's completely legal. All crime, murder, robbery. The whole shebang. The reason for this is because it rules out unemployment and actually ironically, lowers crime by at least half in the long run. I won't give away much more in case readers want to see it. But I had the discussion with Steve about weather or not we agree with it. I do. I actually do. There are plenty of people out there that I would happily sharpen a machete for. Not only that, it's just so much better for the world. In the film the people that kill are basically going after people that are leaches of society. If I was in the purge, I would go after people who are peadophiles, ex-convicts who keep re-offending and possibly junkies if I have enough time, after all, twelve hours isn't long. Although saying this, I'd probably be too pussy and because I'm such a bitch I would have built a metal fort and be hiding out in that until the twelve hours is up.


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