Seven Hundred & Six
Theme: Thing's I don't get about 'Apple'
As some of you may know, I have an Iphone 5. If it was a human, it would be my partner. It's my whole world. So what did I go and do? Spill nail polish all over it. My poor, poor baby. Part of the screen is damaged. My dad said if I leave it overnight standing up, it will evaporate and be okay. I went to ring apple for some support and just get some advice. They weren't there. I mean, I know many of smaller companies that are online all night if need be, either by IM or phone. Apple, being one of the biggest and most successful companies throughout well, the world fuck's off at about 5pm. See thing is, all my thing's break at night and I could of at least done with some advice in what to do. I'm taking it in the apple store tomorrow to see what they say. Hopefully it's just fucked my screen so it won't cost as much to replace, also luckily, I'm insured.