Seven Hundred & Forty Five

Theme: I'm liked!....oh wait.

I finally had a shift where everyone likes me. Well, all the patients anyway. Tonight, I feel like the staff are doing nothing but bitching about me. It's making me feel unhappy and uneasy. They keep whispering and now I know how bad it makes the patients feel. It makes me feel paranoid and on edge. Like everything I'm doing is the wrong thing. I feel fat, disgusting, worthless and lazy. That's how I feel they see me. I want to go home, crawl in bed and cry. I'm on shift with two people that I find really intimidating. So it's making it all really difficult. I just feel like I haven't got a place here tonight and that all I do is sit here when that isn't the case. That's why every five seconds I'm like "do you want a drink? Anything you want me to do?" I'm so far up everyone's arse because I just feel so worthless in there eyes. Fuck me, you know you need a day off when....


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