Eight Hundred & Five
Theme: Instant hate
There's this new girl at work. She's a HCA. I hate her. Can't stand her. I don't know what it is, but my god she get's right on my tits. I couldn't help but give her evil looks but I couldn't stop myself from doing it, it was like an automatic reaction. I spoke to someone else at work about her to just get there opinions, thank goodness but she get's on her tits too! It's just the way she waltz's in and starts to be up in everyone's arse. On her first shift which was a shadow shift, a client turned round to her and said "I don't want you to shadow me". It's brilliant when clients hate the people you hate.

There's this new girl at work. She's a HCA. I hate her. Can't stand her. I don't know what it is, but my god she get's right on my tits. I couldn't help but give her evil looks but I couldn't stop myself from doing it, it was like an automatic reaction. I spoke to someone else at work about her to just get there opinions, thank goodness but she get's on her tits too! It's just the way she waltz's in and starts to be up in everyone's arse. On her first shift which was a shadow shift, a client turned round to her and said "I don't want you to shadow me". It's brilliant when clients hate the people you hate.