Theme: Seizure

I had another epileptic fit today. This time it was at work. Right inside bedrooms. Right outside a patient's bedroom. Oh dear. Luckily enough Sarah was on so I felt safe however, Sian was there. She stressed me out so much I think her behaviour is actually what caused the seizure. One of the patient's there is an insomniac so she was also there, from beginning to end. I was laying down on the floor in recovery position and therefore freezing my tits off, so the patient brought me like fifty blankets and pillows. Bless her. She was so concerned and worried. She is one of my favourite patient's which is good. They say you shouldn't have favourite's but it's bullocks. How can you not have favourite's. Anyway, back to my seizure. I tasted my seizure before I had it. I've never done that before. I told my boss I knew when they where coming on so it wouldn't affect me getting the job. Lol, I lie. I also told him I very rarley have them, which is also a lie, kind of. I have them twice a year. Which isn't too bad.