Theme: Lol You.

I forgot to mentioned a few days ago George spoke to me on whatsapp. I know you probably don't remember him but he's one of the weirdo's I met at the gym. He's the one that kept touching me and I ended up having to tell the gym about him.(Entries that speak about him are listed below) Anyway, I logged onto my whatsapp. And he was there! He tried to start a conversation with me. I shut that bitch downnn! I also went onto a dating site later that day. I found his profile. Damn, it's creeper then Jeffery Dahmer's if he had one. He's just so freaking weird. Why do I keep meeting weird people? I just told him to fuck off because he spoke to me in such a rude manner and I just didn't want to know. I don't want to be people's rug anymore. No fucking way.
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