Theme: Lone Survivor

I'm never usually into my war movies, but with Emile Hirsch in it, I kinda have a obligation to watch it, and watch it I did! I loved it! It was sad. Very sad. But also very eye opening and real. You don't realise how much goes on in the world until you see something as real as this, and it makes you that little more grateful that you have the right's that we have. As we wouldn't have these right's if it wasn't for people like these that stand up and literally fight for them. I certainly give it a 5/5 rating. Other than that I haven't done anything today. I've sat around and moped really because Sarah was meant to be seeing me today but couldn't due to some work men outside her house, so she couldn't get the car off the drive. She sent me the picture so I know she wasn't bullshitting. So I've literally sat around and ate shit. Domino's pizza. I brought some cookies to share with my dad and when I had one I thought 'I've got to offer you one, but I hope you say no'. He said no. Haha. I'm such a greedy hoe.