Theme: Hunger Games

I finished the last of the hunger games today. I felt really sad when I turned the last page. It was like watching the last of the hobbit. The whole saga was officially over. It kills you on the inside. Knowing that there's no more to fan girl. It gave me goosebumps. What an amazing read. I can't wait to watch it at the cinema to see the last one. It really did just gave me chills. I never thought I'd be into it, as usually when I read books there true stories, so I was surprised with how fast and how quick I got into it and read through them. I'm glad I picked it up because it really got me into reading again. I'm sad that it's over though. I really got attached to all the characters and the story line. I felt every laugh and every tear. It was just damn right brutal. Out of all the book's I've read this is one of my favourites hand's down.