Theme: Charlie

Still not spoke to Charlie. I know she just doesn't care. She keeps ignoring all my messages or 'forgetting' to reply. I'm sick of her blatantly not caring and not being there. What's the point? I've decided to completely stop trying and not to contact her in anyway unless she messages me. Fat chance of that. I'm not fussed. In a way I feel like I've stopped the contact on my own terms. When she need's me, I won't be there. I see her as a very selfish person. She's just triggered me into self harming too many time's now. So it's clear she's not a positive person to have in my life. After getting over the mindset that she doesn't care I'm sure I'll be okay. Sure it bothered me at first but every thought or feeling I had is now fading. Like I can see her for the selfish person that she is. I don't need her.