One Thousand Five Hundred & Seventy

Theme: Therapy

I don't really feel ready to talk about it simply because I'm just so tired. But I might as well blog and get this topic over and done with. I know it need's discussing. I went to my CBT assessment and she has decided the best thing for me is group therapy. Group therapy. What the actual fuck. I openly, and happily dislike most people. I listen to people's problems at work, why would listening to other people's problems be beneficial for me? They don't know whether or not my therapy should be held in the eating disorder unit or self harm unit. If they decide to put me in the eating disorder unit I think I'll have to decline. I am not sitting in a room full of anorexics whilst my fat ass takes up two seat's. I'll be a perfect inspiration for people to carry on starving themselves. Also, being around other eating disorders just triggers me off. It's best I just avoid people that experience those issues. Being around self harmers I could actually deal with. I deal with it at work, I deal with it with my friends at home. So therapy would be no different. But, there's just no escape from other people. That's what I'm yearning for. I need 1-1 support. Being around people that are going through similar issues as me but self-harm differently, I will actually learn/pick up other behaviours from those people. It's happened from work already. I'm tired of not being listened too. The stupidity of my therapist has just pissed me off big time.


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