One Thousand Six Hundred & Forty Six

Theme: Lengthy As Fuck

I've been asked to do some training at work online. That's fine. If only it wasn't lengthy as fuck. I do not learn by big chunks of irrelevant text copied and pasted onto a slide. I didn't even read any of the slides after I found out what kind of this it was I had to do. I just skipped the lot of it and went to the exam questions straight away. Although, skipping the slide's alone took me over eight hours. The exams, I did when I was at work and got the nurse to help me out. The questions are just also so irrelevant to what the course is. I don't even know who made these exams. The exams are hard, but just because like. I don't care. if I cared or enjoyed it then yeah, I'd whizz through, but because all I'm doing is pressing the next button and preying that it's over quick it feels like forever.


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