One Thousand Six Hundred & Forty One
Theme: Work Wanker
I work with this douchebag at work. I mean he's a massive douchebag. Universally hated. He's the biggest snake, biggest snitch and just biggest douche I've ever met. He will snitch on you despite the fact he hasn't even see you do anything or hasn't ever worked with you. I won't give him a name. Let's just call him 'snake.' He keeps asking me if I've gone part time. I'm 22. Why would I go part-time unless I have kids? There's more chance of him giving birth then me. Anyway, when he asked me this time, he said it with a smirk on his face. I don't know what he's implying. Just because I have a life and not part of work's furniture. Rant over, back to my xbox.