Five Hundred & Seventeen
Theme: Gym!
Gym was amazing. The personal trainer I have, called Ben, is lovely. When I met up with him he took my height, weight and stomach measurement and made me do a psychological test. Then took me into the gym to show me how certain machine's work. Granted it all about killed me. I did fifteen minutes on the treadmill, fifteen on the bike (which was the worst) then I did twenty reps on three different weight machine's. It was such good fun, but I didn't half sweat, my top was like a different colour by the end of the session. Ben will weigh me every three months and will give me various health tips every now and again. I am now to cut out all bread and drink green tea. I'm replacing the bread with low calorie snack a jacks, that he suggested. Not to keen on the green tea. I've never tried it, he said it was disgusting but it's worth drinking it. I'm so excited to go back tomorrow. I'll be doing one hour of swimming and one hour of gym. I ache so much though right now and I know tomorrow will be a killer.