Theme: Steve!

Went to town today to see Steve. We went to go the Canby* museum today. Unfortunetly as we got there so early, it was shut. So we went to walk to the Brook's Museum. We got lost, multiple time's. We got there in the end though. I think Brook's Museum is doing some refurbishment as there where lot's of thing's missing and/or being moved about. A lot of thing's are broken, for example every single touch-screen machine. We still had fun though. We also learnt something new, like that penis's don't have bone's in them. We sat in this pod thing and just chinwagged for a bit, before we moved onto Pendleton Hall. I've never been to Pendleton Hall before and I've always wanted to go as it's like a hot spot for ghost's and things as it's such an old Victorian building. Anyway, after getting lost (again) we eventually found it. It was closed. Dafuq. So in the end Steve and I went shopping. I took her to one of my 'hippie stores' that I always go to and I was really drawn to this beautiful Rhodonite dolphin. £10. It's pretty expensive in my eye's but hell to the no was I going to leave without it. The women serving me, spoke to me about cleansing and energising it. Well Steve was nearly in bit's as she isn't a believer of such thing's, which is fine. Like I said to Steve when we left, you know who your friend's are when you can have a good laugh at each other.
*Place's made up for anonymity.