Five Hundred & Twenty Two
Theme: You either use a machine, or GTFO.
Yesterday, I said "I sort of bike for a minute, and sit there like a log for twenty." Well, whilst I was at the gym, I experienced real loggers. As it was a Saturday, the gym was pretty busy. There are a lot of machines there, but most of the weight machine's they only have one machine to use, where as bikes, they have a lot so more than one person can use a bikes ect. But these, these logs, just sat there on the weight machines. The weight machines that I wanted to use. They weren't even using it. They sat on it staring into space almost expecting the machine to do the work. I mean what the hell. I had to double my time in the gym on other machine's to wait for them all to leave. Then there was this little Justin Beiber kid in there who had no idea what he wad doing, and instead of sitting on a weight machine he either stood incredibly close to it hoping that he could some how move the weight's with his eyes or he put the weight's on the heaviest weight and tried to move it. Bare in mind, he was using the machine all wrong. Go home Beiber, go home.

Yesterday, I said "I sort of bike for a minute, and sit there like a log for twenty." Well, whilst I was at the gym, I experienced real loggers. As it was a Saturday, the gym was pretty busy. There are a lot of machines there, but most of the weight machine's they only have one machine to use, where as bikes, they have a lot so more than one person can use a bikes ect. But these, these logs, just sat there on the weight machines. The weight machines that I wanted to use. They weren't even using it. They sat on it staring into space almost expecting the machine to do the work. I mean what the hell. I had to double my time in the gym on other machine's to wait for them all to leave. Then there was this little Justin Beiber kid in there who had no idea what he wad doing, and instead of sitting on a weight machine he either stood incredibly close to it hoping that he could some how move the weight's with his eyes or he put the weight's on the heaviest weight and tried to move it. Bare in mind, he was using the machine all wrong. Go home Beiber, go home.