Theme: Oooh, New Reader!

Lately my readers have gone up. I have no bloody idea where they have come from. I know Mark read's it as well as Steve, and I think Dave read's from time to time. But I'm getting all these numbers on all my posts with how many time's someone has read them. Either they are just creepers or they are just generally interested. Which is weird as I don't actually post anything particularly interesting. This is all just more word vomit. If I think it, I type it. I'm surprised that anyone would want to read it. I'm totally grateful I have the reader's though. I'd be saddened if I knew nobody read it, otherwise it would all seem like wasted word's. Wasted word vomit. At least if I am word vomiting, there's someone out there that's interested in said vomit. Well, whoever you are, hello and welcome to my blog.