Six Hundred & Forty Four
As I mentioned in Wednesday's blog entry, about Leicester having some brilliant stalls open. As I was in town early today waiting for Steve to arrive for cinema, I thought I'd be a photographer for the day (and what an awful photographer I am) and take photo's of certain stalls that caught my eye and mingle with some people that ran these stalls. It was lovely to see all these different foods and culture's all together in one place. Especially when I got to talk to a few people, hearing all these different accents. I also wanted to get out there and try all the different thing's that where being given out as a tester. There was some nice thing's but other's where well, fucking disgusting. It was fun none the less. I brought myself a crepe to try. I've never heard of one or had one, I had it with chocolate and banana. Granted it was beyond a challenge to eat, but it was a bloody gorgeous challenge. I also picked up a Belgium chocolate muffin, which was so big (bigger then my hand) that was also a challenge to eat. I also brought a cute journal from the 'warm side of metal' stall. It was all really fun, especially when this one Italian guy insisted on being in my photo. I also want to give a shout out to Mark who I bumped into when I was in town.