
Showing posts from December, 2012

Five Hundred & Six

Theme: New Years Eve! I'm doing exactly what I will be doing tomorrow, and that's nothing. There aren't a lot of fireworks going on either, the ones that are, are absolutely beautiful.

Five Hundred & Five

Theme: Sister in law! Sister in law is pregnant. She found out about an hour ago! I'm happy for them I really am. I'm glad everything's coming together for them. My brothers just brought a house and yeah, congratulations to them basically! I'm happy for them, I really am! She is 1-2 weeks. My mums already hit the shops. I still hate kids.

Four Hundred & Four

Theme: By a watch of a movie, my life falls apart.  I'm watching 'Eight Below' and if it wasn't for the rest of my family watching it, I would have turned it off. Straight off. And never spoken of it again. I love animals, a lot. Especially Husky's. They are right at the top of my favourite animal list. I can easily see a dead body and hear a person scream and be unaffected (unless I know them of course) but hearing an animal in distress, put's me in major distress. So what do my family do? Watch a movie about Husky's starving to death and all in all, generally dying/getting injured. Nice going family, even better, nice going Walt Disney. Basically, what the film is about is that there was a storm coming, and everyone had to evacuate, leaving the dog's behind. Then the dog's had to survive on there own for so long. Luckily, only two died. The people who left them, eventually got there act together and came back for them. When the owner s...

Four Hundred & Three

Theme: Hateful mood. Hate children. Hate there sqwarks. Hate them existing. Hate them biting me. Hate them jumping on my laptop. I'm never, ever, ever having fucking children. Some family members have came over and it's been a little bit of a nightmare to be fair. I nearly died after precious (laptop) got jumped on repeatedly. It still works though. Miserable. Miserable. Miserable

Four Hundred & Two

Theme: FUUUUCK, MEEE! I just ordered the into the wild script...SIGNED. I can barley breathe right now. I'm so fucking excited. I will possess the DNA of Mr. Hirsch. I cannot breathe, I just, yay! It's coming all the way from America so its going to be a bit of a wait, but that's okay, I'm just so damn excited it only cost like £24 or something like that! Dead chuffed. Merry belated Christmas to myself!

Four Hundred & One

Theme: John Green Reading my signed John Green books that I got for Christmas, oh dear lord, worth every single penny. Other than that I have nothing to say, it's two days after Christmas so no one in our family does a lot, it's mainly just lazyness.

Five Hundred

Theme: 500 entries! Well fuck a duck, I've made it this far. I thought I'd celebrate like I do with every 100 posts, by posting an Emile Hirsch photo: I'm dead chuffed I have made it this far. There's been some ups, some downs, but I'm still here! 500 posts was like my ultimate aim of posts so I couldn't be more happy, as sad as that sounds. Sure, I've had to back date here and there and sometimes I haven't forgotten what I've done on various days so I couldn't add complete detail. But the blog is still going. It's like I have something to laugh at in the future, my kids, if I have them *god help me* will get to learn what I was like. I just want to thank the two readers I am aware of, Mark and Steve. It would all feel kind of pointless without them. So many feels, I know.

Four Hundred & Ninety Nine

Theme: Christmas! It's been a brilliant Christmas! I am completely stuffed from Christmas dinner and in all fairness I haven't eaten that much. My mum completed my Emile Hirsch DVD collection which I absolutely love and cannot wait to have a weeks worth of Emile. I also got: Chocolate Pj's Signed Book collection of John Green Slippers Furby IPhone Candles Oils Socks Gym Bag New Toothbrush & shit loads more!

Four Hundred & Ninety Eight

Theme: its just dawned on me... I plan to go shopping with Steve after Christmas. After Christmas they usually have the sales. Ann Summers will be having a sale. EXCITE! I know it's bad of me to think about the sales when its not even Christmas yet, but one can't help but get excited.

Four Hundred & Ninety Seven

Theme: The horror! The horror of cleaning before Christmas Eve is a complete nightmare. You seem to spend forever and a day trying to get it done and its dead shattering. Now that its all done I can really get in the Christmas spirit. Although, I've been in the Christmas spirit since the 1st December, maybe even before then. BRING IT ON.

Four Hundred & Ninety Six

Theme:  Meh. Done fuck all today to be honest. Just got a bit of cleaning done in preparation for Christmas. I'm so excited I can barley cope. I plan on not eating so much this Christmas  Usually I pig out but to be honest with you, I won't need to as I've found various way's to keep me busy (books) and I will be getting the signed John Green collection for Christmas which I cannot fucking wait for. After Christmas I plan to have a final destination night with Steve, so note to self, buy the quadrilogy. 

Four Hundred & Ninety Five

Theme: Apocalypse, Y u no happen? Apocalypse hasn't happened. Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this. I wish it did happen. Or I just wish my dad would just fuck off. He asked me to clean the kitchen, I said okay, in a minute  Meaning, I'll wait for you to fuck off out the kitchen because we can't be in the same room as each other. Ten second's later (and I mean, ten second's later) I heard him mutter to himself "You're such a lazy bastard, you've done fuck all, all day"). Wrong, I've done bear load's today. You are just not around to see it, so you can't keep saying this bullshit. I was just waiting for your cunty ass to get out the kitchen so we wouldn't get in an argument. Turn's out we can't even be in the same house either. Other than that, I am kind of disappointed it didn't happen. Not majorly like. I knew it wouldn't happen. I'd just like to see how the world will end. Will it end with a...

Four Hundred & Ninety Four

Theme: Ian Watkins, Paedophile? I used to absolutely adore lost prophets  I'd have some of there poster's scattered over my walls when I was about fifteen/sixteen so it came as a massive shock to hear that the lead singer, Ian Watkins is having to go to court as he has been accused of conspiring with a woman to rape a one-year-old girl. Apparently he also has a lot of child/animal pornography as well. It came as a fair shock to be honest. I just hope it's all complete and utter bullshit because it would be such an I don't know, mess up, to find out it's true. I hope it's one of those fucked up "I had a a baby with Justin Beiber!" rumours.

Four Hundred & Ninety Three

Theme: The Hobbit, Take Two! Went to go see the hobbit with my dad yesterday. Of course it is still amazing, it's not changed since the last time I have seen it. I just cannot wait till next year's now. I love the name's of people and place's. I love it even more the way they can easily role of the characters tongue. Such as "Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thorn" I mean come on, it's like, don't mind me whilst I just have an orgasm over what you've just said.        

Four Hundred & Ninety Two

Theme: Is it bad to marry a fan? As an obvious stalker/hirsch obsessed fan this will obviously be a biased answer. To wake up next to that everyday, owft, Id happily be his little wifey slave! The only thing I can see wrong with it on a celebrities part is that it may appear "unprofessional". Not only that fans these days (fans like me) aren't just happy with an autograph and a picture any more. If we get a chance to squeeze certain parts we're going to go in for the kill...

Four Hundred & Ninety One

Theme: Comfort. I'm having one of those days where all I want to do is sit in my pj's, eat shit and have an Emile Hirschathon. Unfortunately I find myself doing the complete opposite. I'm wearing the same tights as yesterday (which is still one big bloody rash by the way) and I'm being dragged to a work dinner where I am surrounded by certain people that I cannot stand. I've had a crying spell for no damn reason! I had such an awesome day with Steve yesterday I just wish today didn't follow. I know why I feel so fucking miserable. Aunt Irma. I hate knowing there's some of my favourite Ben and Jerry's ice cream (phish food) in the freezer. I swear, if I'm ever depressed, just bring me that shit and something related to Emile and all is well and fucking good!

Four Hundred & Ninety

Theme: The Hobbit! Went to see the hobbit today. Fucking brilliant. Steve and I saw it in 3D. Usually I HATE 3D but it was actually done very well and I loved every minute of it. I'm going to be itching to see the next one! The only issue I have with it is that the Orks weren't as good as lord of the rings. They where a lot loss "developed" if you like. But it was still good. After watching the hobbit Steve and I made our way to have some good munches at a Chinese place! Thank you Steve for accompanying me!

Four Hundred & Eighty Nine

Theme: Get your hobbit out! Off to see the hobbit with Steve tomorrow at 11. I am so damn excited. We're seeing it in 3D. I feel like I've been waiting for this for a year. We're also going out for a Chinese straight after which will be fun! Tomorrow really can't come fast enough. I am kind of worried though, as Aunt Irma came today. If she even think's of causing me any pain, I will gauge her out with a rusty spoon if I have to. I'm going and that's that! Nothing get's in my way of Bilbo. Nothing.

Four Hundred & Eighty Eight

Theme: Positive outcome! After messaging my ex last night asking her to remove the post, she did. She was fairly pleasant to me about the whole thing. She even said it wasn't about me. She thought she seen me but wasn't sure but she bumped into another ex later on that day. Now weather or not that is true, I'm happy to believe that just so I can avoid hurting myself more than I have to. Anyway, she did say she has enough ex's to build an army, and that's true. We just wished each other merry Christmas and hopefully that will be the end of us to talking or even seeing each other again.

Four Hundred & Eighty Seven

Theme: Nameless.  One of my ex's posted a post about me on her tumblr. I found it today. Y'know, the ex I have been talking about? The slaggy one? I won't post it on here as I just don't want to see it. I don't want to keep going back to it and seeing it. It hurt's a heck of a lot and I just want the post removed for my own sanity. I've had to message her as I just can't hold my tongue over it. Being a cunt won't get me anywhere, so I decided to be as nice as pie and just ask her to remove it. Now it's just a sleepless night of waiting for her to reply.

Four Hundred & Eighty Six

Theme: It's friday, friday! Ordered two of the most cutest dresses ever. I can't even breathe. I'm wearing one of them on Monday when I see Steve and the other on Tuesday for a work do. I figured I kind of owe something to myself and that I wanted a dress to wear casually anyway.   I love to look girly. I don't have many nice clothes. My favourite dress is the one on the left. I've brought some navy blue nail polish to match it! It's going to be weird wearing tight's. I hate wearing tight's. So that mission will be fun!

Four Hundred & Eighty Five

Theme: Films I have had a quick look on IMBD on what films may be coming out in 2013. There are a lot of horror and paranormal things coming out, which is always a plus! All the one's with *   are Emile Hirsch films so therefore they are an instant must see, and all the one's highlighted in yellow   are also a must see: Jeepers Creepers Warm Bodies Bridget Jones Prince Avalanche* Scary Movie The Occult Thirteen Reasons Why Twice Born* 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Hansel & Gretel The Haunting In Georgia Hell Baby Carrie Clown The Motel Life* Paranormal Activity 5 Maggie Night Of The Living Dead Cabin Fever Despicable Me Milo Haunt Lone Survivor* Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Four Hundred & Eighty Four

Theme: Ex's. Coming back from the Job Centre today and I bumped into 'it'. The ex I was talking about in this entry. I would have preferred not to see it to be fair. We didn't stop and talk, I wouldn't have wanted to either, I would have walked straight past her as if I didn't know who she was and like she never even existed, just like I do with all of my ex's. She was talking on the phone and she was wearing some of the most ridiculas thing's. She was wearing this big leopard print coat, the sort that hooker's wear. We both locked eyes and she knew it was me. I just know she knew. She also know's I know it was her. The next few word's that came out of her mouth was just pure jibba jabba, almost as if she was literally stunned to see me. I just carried on walking. Even if I was walking on mother fucking sunshine I wouldn't want to talk to that thing. I'm not friend's with any of my ex's. Apart from this one who will be ...

Four Hundred & Eighty Three


Four Hundred & Eighty Two

Theme: New Years Resolutions! I was just thinking about what I was going to do for new years resolutions. I usually don't believe in doing it, if you want to change something, you do it now rather then wait. I just thought fuck it, it all begins on new years. I am a fairly honest and truthful person, so I'm being honest when I say this, you might read this list and go "that's disgusting you dirty bitch". Just a warning. Moisturize daily Paint nails weekly Get new make-up regularly Shave leg's regularly (I know, I know) Get new hairbrush, keep it clean Fix lips (stop picking!) Meditate daily (Get new CD's - Tight arse) Read more Get a job - volunteer until job arises Start painting again (or do other artsy shit) Get better clothes Burn incense/oils more often Keep update with blogging, maybe blog more Have breakfast, daily. CHILL THE FUCK OUT.

Four Hundred & Eighty One

Theme: Work Nothing happened  Nothing ever happens on the day that I work to be fair. It was good mind, but nothing to particularly blog about. Sorry!

Four Hundred & Eighty

Theme: Brazilian Wax! I have no idea why I was thinking about this but I was and I was wondering weather or not I would do it. So I googled exactly what a Brazilian wax Actually involved and I was lucky enough to come across a video to show me a full procedure of it being done correctly and safely. As I have a piercing down there I wouldn't be to fussed with having someone waxing down there either. Don't get me wrong it's not a part I show around, but if i had to get it out for waxing, I'd do it. However, it's not just the front bit your getting waxed. The best way for me to put it is "the exit hole" and to be quite frank, that's where it's a flat out no for me. I don't want anyone rummaging around in my back trunk, sticking there fingers in a place that isn't wanted! If it didn't involve that, then I'd do it. I know I'd be more nervous getting a wax then going for a tattoo due to the pain. I also wouldn't have one of t...

Four Hundred & Seventy Nine

Theme: You may address me as..."miracle child". Me and my mum were putting up the Christmas tree today and we were both discussing how nosey my grandma is and how wrong she can get things. My mum told me that when I was born I nearly died, and as soon as I was born I was taken straight away for about twenty minutes before she even knew if I was a boy or a girl. I can't remember the reason for this but my grandma got it totally wrong, and to this day she tells me wrong story. Anyway, you may address me as "the miracle child" or "the girl who lived".

Four Hundred & Seventy Eight

Theme: Have a cup of tea and wait for all this to blow over... The family and I are having a massive clean up today and it's taking forever. We've been cleaning for five hours straight in just two rooms. It's so damn boring when your cleaning with others, otherwise I love cleaning when I'm on my todd. Anyway, I've done all I can do so now my mum has sent me to my room and I'm just waiting for them to finish before I can re-surface. 

Four Hundred & Seventy Seven

Theme: LOL What? The real date is actually Monday 10th and I'm having to back date this but do I fuck remember what's happened? This is the fuckery that is known of backdating. You never remember when you need to. Dayum.

Four Hundred & Seventy Six

Theme: Crime House? I've been watching a lot of paranormal/crime programme's lately and I thought to myself ' if I had the option, would I live in a crime scene house ?' Of course! When buying a home, I would actually actively seek a crime scene house to live in. I have no reason for this. Maybe I think it give's the house a little bit of sass. If someone asked me if I wanted to buy the 'Waverly Hills Sanatorium' or the 'Amityville' house, I'd have it off there hand's and decorated within minutes! I'm watching this one show at this moment 'Paranormal Witness' about a family that moved into a funeral home unknowingly and all sort's happened  I would so be down for that. I'd hit amazon straight away and buy all sort's of paranormal equipment EVP'S, EMF'S ect.

Four Hundred & Seventy Five

Theme: Backdating I'm having a lot of backdating to do today and I just can't remember what I did on this day, so it obviously wasn't anything to great. I've just mainly been reading and such. The usual.

Four Hundred & Seventy Four

Theme: Blah Blah Blah All I have been doing for the past few days is reading. I've ordered four wiccan books and I'm just getting my thinking cap on! The good thing about reading a variety of wiccan books is that you can get different opinions from different traditions and people. The problem of doing this though is that it can sometime's get confusing! So I'm having to note down/highlight certain thing's in the books that apply to me and certain thing's that don't to stop me from being so puzzled! As I've started reading even more about wicca, my dreams are becomming more memorable and vivid so it means I can start interpreting them soon into something that could be meaningful to me. Other than that, I haven't been doing much today. Just went work and did word searches. Ha.

Four Hundred & Seventy Three

Theme: Shopping! Went shopping with Shaun today which was fun. It's very rare that I find shopping fun, but with her it's a good laugh I think it's because we're not into clothes so we don't go around all the boring clothes store's looking for the same old shit. There's a 100% chance we will go the entertainer, Waterstones and chapter one. That's all fine with me! All awesome store's. After doing various bit's of shopping we decided to get some lunch and we ended up in this noodle bar, really cheap for what you get and really good. I would of liked it even more if it wasn't spicy. Geeze, about blew my head off! I think I'd go again though and just avoid the spicy looking thing's haha. Anyway, had an awesome day and would love a repeat!

Four Hundred & Seventy Two

Theme: Mum's Birthday It was my mum's birthday today. In all honesty, not a lot happened  My two brother's and my sister in law's came round and stayed for dinner, it was just a nice, chilled and easy Sunday. My brother brought his puppy round again and oh gosh, it's just so cute. All it does is sleep and expect's fuss.

Four Hundred & Seventy One

Theme: Iphone Jibba Jabba! Steve got her iPhone yesterday, so now that it's all set up we've been doing nothing but sending creepy pictures to each other and playing draw something. She's invited me out shopping on Monday which I am looking forward too. I've brought everyone's Christmas bit's so I am now just going up for myself to have a gander. I really really need to get some damn tea lights. I've got lots of various oils, but no fucking tea lights! On a general note today nothing has happened  My dad has gone out to see some friend's, my mum's a little ill with a cold but I think she's over the worst of it now and my brother has brought the cutest puppy ever. He's dead fluffy. His name is 'Teddy'. 

Four Hundred & Seventy

Theme: Let the Stalking Commence!  Holy heck. I have just found Emile Hirsch's instagram. Up until ten minutes ago you could ask me about instagram and my response would have been "I hate it, I don't get why people use it. It's like an advanced form of twitter, and I hate that too." Well, guess who now has an account and is following none other then Mr.Hirsch?