Six Hundred & Ninety One
Theme: Work shifts & Parents The hospital director of the home that I am working for phoned me up today. I don't know why but I was kind of expecting an ear full as he had no reason to call me. Instead, he gave me some shifts! A majority of them are night shifts which isn't really what I wanted but I'm going to have to suck this up until I'm permanent and get to be more day time. If I worked nights all the time I wouldn't ever see anyone, family, friends. It would drive me mad and I'd feel as though I'd be living a lonely life. Not only that, it would be a piss take on there part to expect me to just do nights. I don't mind doing them every now and again. Anyway, for the most part I'm excited. Very, very anxious though. I'll be shadowing someone. I'm actually really nervous about Aunt Irma as she's not been since I've been on the new pills (which is expected as its not my time for her to visit) but what I mean is, will the pi...