Four Hundred & Thirty Four
Theme: This is Halloween! As you all know, I was sleeping round Steve's. When I arrived there we hung up some decorations, that simply didn't want to stay up, but when they were all up and done it looked bloody awesome. Whilst we were doing the decorations Steve put on a Halloween CD. So yeah, we were hanging up decorations to the sound's of steps. But I'm cool with that! Just means I can never let that slide, Haha Then we moved onto the pumpkins! I've never done a pumpkin before so Steve gave me the newspaper that had all the instructions on (that actually came in handy) and it's really fun to do! You can see the results below. You can tell Steve's got more pumpkin experience than me because her's is a lot more straight and neat, mine's kind of like wonky and one eye's bigger than the other. I also broke his eye by accident. Not bad for my first attempt though, I must say! Time practically f...